APMA.org Commenting Policy | APMA
APMA.org Commenting Policy

To post comments on APMA.org, you must log in with your username and password. Comments cannot be left anonymously.

We ask that APMA.org users leave comments that are courteous and respectful of others and reflect the highest level of professionalism. APMA moderates all comments posted and may remove any comment at any time, without notice.

When reviewing comments, APMA considers the criteria below. Please note that this policy may be updated at any time.

APMA may edit, disable, or delete any comments including, but not limited to, those that:

  • include threats of violence;
  • use profanity or foul language, or are obscene in nature;
  • are derogatory based on gender, race, religion, color, national origin, disability, or sexual orientation, and/or otherwise derogatory;
  • are abusive or harass other users, APMA staff, or any other persons or organizations;
  • include ad hominem or personal attacks;
  • are posted with the explicit and malicious intention of provoking other commenters or APMA staff;
  • are defamatory and/or purposely inaccurate;
  • may violate the copyright or intellectual property rights of others or other applicable laws or regulations;
  • condone or encourage unlawful activity; or
  • attempt to sell a product, item, or service or are blatantly promotional in nature.

If you post a comment on APMA.org that is edited, removed, or disabled, it is likely in violation of the criteria above. APMA does not censor comments based on political or ideological points of view.

Please refer to the Code of Conduct: Online Communications for additional guidelines on online communications decorum.

If you have a question about this policy, or would like to report a comment that violates this policy, please contact us.

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