APMA Submits CLDEE Proposal to OASH | News | APMA
APMA Submits CLDEE Proposal to OASH

August 8, 2022

Doctors and staff standing with arms crossed

Last week, APMA submitted its proposal to the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health’s (OASH) request for Comprehensive Diabetic Lower Extremity Exam (CDLEE) service, which would help with prevention of diabetes-related lower extremity complications. This proposal was in response to the OASH request for information on its initiative to strengthen primary health care.

Provision of this service would help with prevention of diabetes-related lower extremity complications, as well as with mental health, the efficiency of health-care delivery, and health-care spending. The improved health care that results from regular assessment and management of diabetes would also support the Department of Health and Human Services’ commitment to advance health equity, given the well-documented higher prevalence of diabetes and resulting complications among minority and underserved communities.

To read the proposal and letter in full, visit www.apma.org/commentletters. Contact the APMA Health Policy and Practice Department at healthpolicy.hpp@apma.org if you have any questions or concerns.

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