APMA Promotes Student Recruitment at The National | News | APMA
APMA Promotes Student Recruitment at The National

July 29, 2022

students watch as a doctor demonstrates sutures

Furthering APMA’s ongoing commitment to student recruitment and to creating a sustainable pool of podiatric medical student applicants, APMA staff and member volunteers will host a Step into Podiatry career event Friday at The National. The four-hour student recruitment event will feature Q&A sessions with practicing podiatrists and podiatric medical students, meetings with the colleges of podiatric medicine, as well as a tour of the exhibit hall. The event ends with a hands-on cadaveric suture workshop.

Prospective students are eager for the opportunity to learn more about podiatric medical school and the application process, what the ideal podiatric candidate looks like, and what a typical day is like in most practices. The many subspecialties within the profession are always an area of interest for prospective students, as they learn more about the different conditions podiatrists can treat in a day.

“Hosting in-person recruitment events in conjunction with a larger podiatry conference creates an immersive learning experience that leaves a lasting impression with prospective students,” said APMA Associate Director of Young Physicians and Students Tiffany Kildale. “They get to learn and see firsthand why so many love this profession.”

APMA encourages all members to continue to support student recruitment by signing up to serve as a mentor in the Step into Podiatry mentor network. Members can log in to APMA.org, click on “My Account” on the top of the screen, click on “Update Contact and Mentor Info,” scroll down and select the box next to “Become a podiatry mentor,” and click “Save.” Consider hosting a podiatry career event during local or state meetings, as well. For additional recruitment resources to help promote the profession or to sign up for the mentor network, check out the APMA student recruitment toolkit: www.apma.org/recruitmenttoolkit.

To read more from The National Today, check out the full issue!

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