Advocacy & Policy | APMA
Advocacy & Policy

Every day APMA works with legislators and regulators to ensure that podiatrist are treated fairly based on their education and training.

Federal Advocacy
The APMA Legislative Advocacy department and Legislative Committee provide members with current information about federal legislative advocacy issues. This section includes updated information about legislative issues and patient advocacy resources.

Center for Professional Advocacy/State Advocacy
The Center for Professional Advocacy's mission is to advance the podiatric medical profession by providing direction for legal, regulatory, and state legislative advocacy activities.

Issue and Policy Briefs
Learn more about important issues facing podiatry.

For Policymakers
Get resources to share with your elected officials.

Value of Podiatry
Every day, podiatrists save lives, limbs, and health-care dollars.

Vision 21st Century/Path to Parity
Find out more about APMA's vision for podiatry.

Check out the APMA Buyers Guide for all your podiatric office needs!