Mini Summit: Licensing Board Consolidation - Pros and Cons (February 28, 2024) | APMA
Mini Summit: Licensing Board Consolidation - Pros and Cons (February 28, 2024)

Mini Summit: Licensing Board Consolidation - Pros and Cons (February 28, 2024) Members Only Content

APMA's Center for Professional Advocacy (CPA) and its committee members have recognized the value of supplementing the biennial in-person State Advocacy Forum with smaller, more-focused virtual opportunities for collaboration and discussion during the year. Hosted by the CPA on February 28, 2024, "Licensing Board Consolidation - Pros and Cons," focused on the emerging trend of licensing board consolidation. The discussion featured leaders from states that have either undergone or are currently facing licensing board consolidation, offering insights into the pros and cons of such initiatives. Panelists shared their experiences, highlighting the strategies that helped achieve desired outcomes and the challenges they encountered along the way. Also discussed were the myriad of ways that the CPA and APMA can provide assistance and guidance to states encountering these and other issues.

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