| Practicing DPMs | Who We Are | State Components | APMA

The asterisk (*) indicates the membership contact for the state component.

State Component President

Diane Koshimune-Guardon, DPM
Kaiser Permanente - San Jose
270 International Cir. POD. DEPT
San Jose,CA 95119
Phone: (760) 379-8630
E-mail: dkoshimune@gmail.com

Executive Director

Jon Hultman, DPM
2430 K Street, Suite 200
Sacramento, CA 95816
Phone: 916-448-0248
Fax: 916-448-0258
E-mail: jhultman@calpma.org

*De Andra Kenoly, Director of Membership
Address & phone same as Dr. Hultman
E-mail: dkenoly@calpma.org

Visit the California Podiatric Medical Association Website

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