An Update from APMA about Coronavirus | APMA
An Update from APMA about Coronavirus

Dear Valued Members and Colleagues:

In light of the uncertainty of the rapidly evolving coronavirus (COVID-19), we are reaching out to assure you that APMA is continuing its work on behalf of its members. First and foremost, we are taking all necessary precautions to ensure the safety of our staff, including following all guidelines and recommendations from the CDC for APMA headquarters. Not only have we provided our staff with recommendations to help prevent the spread of the virus, we are also encouraging any employee to stay home if they are sick. In the event we have a staff member who is exposed to COVID-19, we will follow all CDC recommendations for testing, quarantine, and sanitizing of any affected areas. Further to that effort, we are prohibiting any staff member or visitor who has traveled internationally within the last two to three weeks from entering our building.

We are closely monitoring all news and developments regarding COVID-19 within the US and around the world and are incorporating them into our continually evolving plans and communications.

On Monday, March 16, we conducted a staff-wide test of our remote work plan with our employees. After a successful test, we decided to implement a full telework arrangement for the foreseeable future to further minimize risk to staff and others. During this period, we ask that members and others communicate with us via email so that we can ensure a timely response. While we will monitor phone messages, responses to phone calls may be delayed.

Rest assured, APMA is working diligently to make sure that member services continue. While you focus on taking care of your family, yourself, and your practice, we'll focus on delivering APMA services as we always have.


James R. Christina, DPM
Executive Director and CEO

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