Vision 21st Century | APMA
Vision 21st Century

The overall mission of Vision 21st Century is to ensure that podiatrists are universally accepted and recognized as physicians consistent with their education, training, and experience. This recognition has been earned through the hard work of educational institutions, credentialing bodies, and individuals, and their collective dedication to advancing the podiatric medical profession to benefit health-care consumers. 

Although the profession has made significant progress toward achieving this vision, there is work left to be done, both at the national and state levels. 

Vision 21st Century Objectives

  1. Evaluate and ensure that the outcomes of podiatric medical education are comparable to that of allopathic and osteopathic physicians.
  2. Demonstrate to the entire health care community that the education, training, and experience of a podiatric physician are comparable to that of allopathic and osteopathic physicians.
  3. Obtain state and federal government recognition that podiatrists are physicians.
  4. Market and promote podiatrists as physicians.
  5. Attract high quality applicants to colleges of podiatric medicine and thereby to the profession.

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