Dennis R. Frisch, DPM, Installed as APMA President | News | APMA
Dennis R. Frisch, DPM, Installed as APMA President

March 19, 2018

Dennis R. Frisch, DPM

On Sunday, March 18, Dennis R. Frisch, DPM, was installed as president of APMA by Ross A. Taubman, DPM. Dr. Frisch addressed the house, outlining APMA’s accomplishments and his goals for the coming year. He promised to devote his energy toward moving forward together as well as the importance of APMA membership.

Dr. Frisch encouraged members to be ambassadors to prospective students and also to non-members. He underscored APMA’s unique value to its members. "Every podiatric physician has earned one thing. No matter what state you practice in, your race, your creed, your political beliefs, we all share one thing—our degree. We all share those three letters after our name. We all earned the right to practice using our professional degree."

Dr. Frisch told delegates it is time for all of us to work together to make a difference: "We are all stronger together." Dr. Frisch emphasized that all members must play a part in the final two months of our nationwide membership recruitment campaign, encouraging delegates to visit for information and materials that will help them speak to other podiatrists about the value of APMA membership. "We each have a responsibility to the greater good. And our membership matters."

In closing, Dr. Frisch pledged his commitment to APMA. "Every voice makes us stronger. Let’s move forward together, united, recognizing that our membership matters." Read the full transcript of Dr. Frisch’s speech in the March–April issue of APMA News.

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