SVS Welcomes Podiatrists as Physician Members | News | APMA
SVS Welcomes Podiatrists as Physician Members

June 20, 2011

The Society for Vascular Surgery (SVS) has approved membership for podiatrists in the same category as other physicians who are not vascular surgeons (e.g., cardiologists). This recognition of podiatrists in a physician category speaks to the outstanding relationship APMA has built with SVS and the extensive education the association has conducted among other health care professionals to underscore podiatrists’ education, training and experience.

APMA representatives including Executive Director Glenn B. Gastwirth, DPM; President Michael J. King, DPM; and President-elect Joseph M. Caporusso, DPM, attended the SVS meeting in Chicago last week. APMA member John Steinberg, DPM, served on the faculty of a postgraduate course about diabetic wound care and spoke eloquently about the critical role podiatrists play in saving limbs and lives. The APMA delegation connected with key SVS leaders, exhibitors and CMS leaders during the meeting.Stay tuned for more information from APMA about membership in SVS. Apply for membership in SVS.

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