Winners of the Annual Scientific Meeting Abstract Competition Announced | News | APMA
Winners of the Annual Scientific Meeting Abstract Competition Announced

August 21, 2012

APMA is pleased to announce the winners of the 2012 APMA Annual Scientific Meeting Abstract Competition. First-place winners receive $1000, second-place winners receive $500, and third-place winners receive $250. Winners will receive their prizes by mail. Contact the APMA Department of Scientific Affairs at 301-581-9200 with any questions.

Congratulations to the winners, and thank you to everyone who submitted this year. 

Outstanding Oral Abstract Presentation

The top three oral abstract presentations as selected by a panel of judges appointed by the Annual Meeting Committee:

  • First place: Dr. Todd D. O’Brien Evaluation of a Novel 128Hz Electronic Tuning Fork in the Detection of Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy 
  • Second place: Dr. Erin E. Klein Body Mass Index, Plantar Fasciitis and Surgical intervention—A Ten Year Retrospective Analysis
  • Third place: Dr. Lawrence A. Lavery Comparison of Negative Pressure Wound Therapy Pressures and Wound interfaces to Heal Acute Wounds

Outstanding Poster Abstract (case studies/small research projects)

The top three poster abstracts as selected by a panel of judges appointed by the Annual Meeting Committee:

  • First place: Dr. Adam E. FleisherSonographic Predictors of Treatment Response in Patients Receiving Mechanical Support for Plantar Fasciitis
  • Second place: Dr. Denise B FreemanReliability of the Hand-held Biplane Goniometer for the Measurement of Ankle Joint Dorsiflexion
  • Third place: Mr. Ryan CrewsOffloading and Vascular Evaluations of Individuals at High Risk for Diabetic Foot Ulcers Cycling with the CLEAR Cleat

Outstanding Poster Abstract (larger research studies/clinical trials)

The top three poster abstracts as selected by a panel of judges appointed by the Annual Meeting Committee:

  • First place: Dr. Robert M. YohoThe Relationship Between Undergraduate GPAs and the MCAT to Academic Performance in Podiatric Medical School at Des Moines University
  • Second place: Dr. Timothy Dutra — Podiatric and Family Nurse Practitioners Collaborate at the California/Mexican Border—Interprofessional Practice in a Global Healthcare Setting 2010-2012
  • Third place:  Dr. Lee T. ZaneSafety and Efficacy of Tavaborole (Formerly AN2690), a Novel Boron-Based Molecule, in Phase 2 Trials for the Topical Treatment of Toenail Onychomycosis

Outstanding Resident or Student Abstract

The top three poster abstracts presented by a resident or student as selected by a panel of judges appointed by the Annual Meeting Committee:

  • First place: Dr. Erin E. KleinMagnetic Resonance Imaging Versus Musculoskeletal Ultrasound—A Comparison of Two Imaging Modalities for Identification and Localization of Plantar Plate Pathology
  • Second place: Ms. Amanda K. HarwoodExpression of  Cytokines and Growth Factors in Patients with Healing Versus Non-healing Wounds
  • Tied for Third place: Ms. Saba S. SadraDoes Hallux Valgus Deformity Correction Reduce Risk of Falling? and Ms. Rachel K. Baisch — Benefits of Custom Skate Orthoses in Improving Balance Among Advanced Figure Skaters

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