Grassroots Advocacy: Raise Your Voice on Next Relief Package | News | APMA
Grassroots Advocacy: Raise Your Voice on Next Relief Package

May 18, 2020

grassroots advocacy spelled with wood block letter

APMA is tirelessly advocating for you at the federal level. Did you know there is a simple way for you to help reinforce APMA’s initiatives? Voice your concerns about the most urgent issues at stake in the next congressional relief package by using pre-written letters. We’ve done the hard part for you! Simply visit and voice your support for the myriad legislative priorities listed. Simply click to send the pre-written letter(s) to your members of Congress on any or all of these issues:

  • HELLPP Act
  • Access to Remote Services (telehealth)
  • Medical Liability
  • Hazard Pay
  • Medicare and Medicaid Regulatory Relief
  • Clarify Essential Workforce
  • Request for increased supply and access to PPE, testing, and provider safety
  • Increase funding for PPP and direct aid for providers
  • Student Loan Debt Relief for Providers

This is your opportunity to contribute to positive change for yourself and your colleagues to promote and protect the profession.

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