APMA to HHS: Fix Provider Relief Funds Oversight | News | APMA
APMA to HHS: Fix Provider Relief Funds Oversight

June 8, 2020

COVID-19 aid distribution concept illustration

Last week, APMA submitted a letter to Department of Health and Human Services’ Secretary Alex Azar regarding the inability of our members who are acknowledged as eligible recipients for funds from the HHS Provider Relief Fund, but through some oversight on the backend, did not receive any monies from the first distribution. These same providers were further disadvantaged as a provider cannot file an application for the second tranche of $20 billion, if they received no money from the first.

In our letter, APMA recommended that HHS take the following actions, immediately:

  • implement a public, transparent appeal process for providers who did not receive funds from the first tranche; and
  • if found eligible, allow these providers to apply for the second tranche and not hold them to HHS’ currently imposed June 3rd deadline.

To read this letter in full, visit www.apma.org/CommentLetters. To see all COVID-19 efforts and resources, visit www.apma.org/COVID19.

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