APMA to NCCI: Update Policy Manual for Medicare, Use of 59 Modifier | News | APMA
APMA to NCCI: Update Policy Manual for Medicare, Use of 59 Modifier

June 16, 2020

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Last week, APMA submitted a letter to the National Correct Coding Initiative (NCCI) to request that an update be made to Chapter I of the NCCI Policy Manual For Medicare Services.

APMA requested NCCI update the outdated language in Section E.1.d.(3), Example #2, to reflect a prior determination by CMS specifying that use of Modifier 59 with the two procedures should be acceptable if procedures are conducted on lesions that are anatomically separate from one another—even if on the same digit. This requested update ensures the NCCI Policy Manual language is consistent throughout and accurately reflects CMS policy.

To read this letter in full and other comment letters, visit www.apma.org/CommentLetters.

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