COVID-19 Mental Health Resources | News | APMA
COVID-19 Mental Health Resources

November 2, 2020

doctor comforts patient

During the COVID-19 crisis, many families are suffering financial hardship. Isolation and stress can lead to depression. As health-care providers, we try to empathize with patients undergoing trials and tribulations. If we can direct them to proper resources, it may ease some of their burden, stress, and worries. APMA would like to share some resources to pass on to patients in need.

One way to help is to be aware of local food banks. Patients sometimes must choose between paying for medication or food. As such, potential future complications can arise. If you can provide patients with a list of local food banks, their financial resources can be put toward medications to sustain their lives.

For Service Members and Veterans

For Health-Care Providers

Jean Chen-Vitulli, DPM

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