Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Task Force Update | News | APMA
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Task Force Update

May 3, 2021

joined diverse hands with text: NO TO RACISM

Last summer, APMA released news stories/statements (here and here) unequivocally condemning all acts of racism and violence, including a list of action items to guide the organization’s path to be more diverse and inclusive. Immediate Past President Seth Rubenstein, DPM, created the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Task Force, which is chaired by APMA Trustee William Long, DPM, and now overseen by APMA President Jeffrey DeSantis, DPM.

The task force will work toward its action items, but will also look internally at APMA practices, policies, and procedures to explore and identify potential diversity, equity, and inclusion gaps to ensure diverse and inclusive perspectives within APMA.

Visit www.apma.org/dei for more information on this initiative.

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