Legacy Gift from the Arner Charitable Trust | News | APMA
Legacy Gift from the Arner Charitable Trust

September 7, 2021

hand holding bill folded into heart shape

The APMA Educational Foundation extends its most gracious thanks to the late Raphael Arner, DPM, and his wife, Judith, for their generous estate gift of $12,500, given through the Arner Charitable Trust. Their thoughtfulness provides support to the foundation’s mission to ease the financial burden felt by podiatric medical students across the country. The foundation is the only national scholarship program dedicated to providing scholarships to students studying podiatric medicine. The Arner Charitable Trust will directly impact the lives of several students and the future of the foundation. We thank the Arner family for this most thoughtful gift.

Dr. Arner graduated from the California College of Podiatric Medicine (currently the California School of Podiatric Medicine) in 1954 before joining the US Army in 1958. He became an APMA member in 1960 and spent most of his life practicing in the greater Los Angeles area.

APMA’s Legacy Circle honors those who have remembered the APMA Educational Foundation in their will or estate plan. To find out how you can join, contact Kenna Barrett, PhD, director of the APMA Educational Foundation at kbarrett@apma.org.

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