APMA, Stakeholder Group Meet with CMS on Medicare Advantage Chart Reviews | News | APMA
APMA, Stakeholder Group Meet with CMS on Medicare Advantage Chart Reviews

November 1, 2021

Medicare Advantage clipboard

APMA organized a call with CMS and other medical specialty societies on October 28 to discuss our shared concerns with Medicare Advantage Plans’ onerous chart review requests. The APMA-led coalition included representatives from various societies from orthopedics, rheumatology, ophthalmology and optometry, and dermatology. During the call, the societies shared with CMS members concerns such as:

  • Excessive volume of requests and impact on smaller practices
  • Restrictions on producing the requested records, specifically:
    • Unreasonable timeframe to submit requested records
    • Limited mechanisms for transmitting requested records
  • Failure to provide clear rationale for requested records

The meeting was a follow-up to a letter APMA submitted on behalf of the stakeholder groups earlier this year. 

APMA and the other specialty societies are in the process of gathering additional information to share with CMS. Members are encouraged to contact APMA's Health Policy and Practice department at healthpolicy.hpp@apma.org if they have any questions or comments.

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