APMA, Stakeholders Support CAC Reps in Comments to Novitas, First Coast on Skin Substitute Draft LCDs and LCAs | News | APMA
APMA, Stakeholders Support CAC Reps in Comments to Novitas, First Coast on Skin Substitute Draft LCDs and LCAs

APMA, Stakeholders Support CAC Reps in Comments to Novitas, First Coast on Skin Substitute Draft LCDs and LCAs Members Only Content

In their comment letter, APMA, ASPS, and ASSH underscored the medical, social, psychological, and financial burdens that chronic wounds present for patients and health-care systems, and took particular exception to limitations on the number of applications of CTPs, required use of RT or LT Modifier, and the incomplete set of included ICD-10 codes.

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