Kent State Takes Trophy in Podiatry School Student Quiz Bowl | News | APMA
Kent State Takes Trophy in Podiatry School Student Quiz Bowl

July 31, 2022

Jonathan Westerveld

The fifth annual Podiatry School Student Quiz Bowl took place Saturday afternoon at The National in Orlando, FL. Nine exceptional fourth-year students, one from each of the accredited colleges of podiatric medicine and surgery, competed for bragging rights (and a cash prize and trophy) for themselves and their school. And the winner is ... Jonathan Westerveld of Kent State University College of Podiatric Medicine!

Westerveld told The National Today he chose a career in podiatric medicine and surgery because "it offers surgery, clinic, inpatient management, and the opportunity to play an integral part in patients' health and recovery." Congratulations to Westerveld and all the students for their hard work. 


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