New Direction on Use of JW/JZ Modifiers Starts July 1 | News | APMA
New Direction on Use of JW/JZ Modifiers Starts July 1

June 5, 2023

changes ahead on yellow road sign

When providers discard any portion of a single-use vial or single-use package after administering a drug or biological to a Medicare patient, they must use the JW modifier to indicate the quantity discarded. Effective July 1, providers and suppliers are required to report the JZ modifier on all claims that bill for drugs and biologicals from single-dose containers that are separately payable under Medicare Part B when there are no discarded amounts.

The Medical Affairs Department of CGS Administrators LLC has shared that JW and JZ modifiers should not be used on their Part B claims (Kentucky and Ohio only) when cellular and/or tissue wound products are used. More information is provided for APMA members here.

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