Using CPT® 11305 Correctly? | News | APMA
Using CPT® 11305 Correctly?

June 10, 2024

current procedural technology

CPT® 11305–Shaving of epidermal or dermal lesion, single lesion, scalp, neck, hands, feet, genitalia; lesion diameter 0.5 cm or less

Page 88 of the 2024 CPT Professional book explains that use of this code is reserved for sharp removal of epidermal and dermal lesions. The CPT book also states this sharp removal may be performed by transverse incision or horizontal slicing. This code should not be used for reducing the bulk of a lesion. If a lesion is removed, its regular recurrence is not typically expected. When using this code it is important to differentiate between “removal” and “paring.”

CPT® is a registered trademark of the American Medical Association (AMA) and copyright by the AMA with all rights reserved. 

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