Young Physicians | Practicing DPMs | APMA
Young Physicians

APMA young physicians are those podiatrists who graduated from podiatric medical school within the past 10 years. This group includes residents. 

The needs of APMA young physicians are diverse; however, they share the commonality of having graduated within the past decade and are likely still finding their place in podiatry, paying off student loans, exploring leadership opportunities, and possibly seeking mentors in the field

To better serve this group of members, APMA leadership established the Young Physicians’ Program. All APMA members who are within their first 10 years out of school are, by definition, part of the Young Physicians’ Program. The program is steered by the Young Physician Leadership Panel (YPLP). The Young Physicians’ Program makes available numerous opportunities for new practitioners.

Young Physician Transition Series

From student debt management to coding resources, the Young Physician Transition Series is your go-to resource for every stage of your career. Developed by the APMA Young Physician Leadership Panel, the Young Physician Transition Series serves as a member-only resource created to meet the unique needs of young physicians through each year of transition from residency to practitioner

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In October 2019, the YPLP worked with a consultant and APMA staff to create a mission and vision to guide the program:


Invest in and advocate for young podiatric physicians


To provide a foundation for a successful career in podiatric medicine and surgery


  • Support young podiatric physicians by providing educational and professional resources
  • Connect young podiatric physicians to people, services, and resources
  • Advocate for young podiatric physician interests within and outside APMA
  • Engage, provide awareness, and encourage involvement of young podiatric physicians

Following the model of the APMA Board of Trustees, the YPLP will review the mission, vision, and strategic goals every few years to make sure they are on-track and addressing the most pressing needs of young physicians.

APMA gratefully acknowledges the support of PICA, founding partner of the Young Physicians' Program, and our contributing partners:




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