Final Notice: CPME Call for Comment Period Closes February 15 | News | APMA
Final Notice: CPME Call for Comment Period Closes February 15

February 8, 2021


This notice contains important information concerning the proposed revisions to CPME publications 320, Standards and Requirements for Approval of Podiatric Medicine and Surgery Residencies, and CPME 330, Procedures for Approval of Podiatric Medicine and Surgery Residencies.

Every six years, the Council on Podiatric Medical Education conducts a comprehensive review of the standards, requirements, and procedures associated with its evaluation activities. Per CPME 330, prior to adoption, all council policies, procedures, standards, and requirements are disseminated widely to obtain information regarding how the council’s community of interest may be affected.

Draft I revisions of CPME publications 320 and 330 are open for comment through February 15. Following a review of the comments from the community of interest, the proposed revisions to CPME publications 320 and 330 will be considered for final adoption by the council during its April 2021 meeting.

Summary documents have been created to provide insight into the revisions made to CPME publications 320 and 330. The revised draft and summary documents are available on the council’s website.

Submit your comments through this survey by February 15. In addition to the call for comment survey, comment letters may be submitted directly to

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