Find the Right Plan for Your Practice | News | APMA
Find the Right Plan for Your Practice

July 1, 2021

health-care solutions

APMA is delighted to announce the launch of health insurance options for small groups. The enrollment portal is now open; submit your information now and start your new plan as early as August 1.

We have partnered with The Ark Group, a national insurance brokerage staffed by a team of seasoned industry professionals with more than 100 years of combined experience to provide plans for groups of two or more employees (minimum varies by state). While Noveta will continue to support our existing large-group offerings, The Ark Group will provide outstanding service and options for small groups.

We invite you to go to to view plan information and FAQs. You can also watch a recorded webinar with information about the small-group products as you prepare for the enrollment period.

If you have questions, please contact The Ark Group at 888-670-8040, Prompt 5, or

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