21st Annual CAC-PIAC Meeting Registration Open | News | APMA
21st Annual CAC-PIAC Meeting Registration Open

September 7, 2021


Registration is now open for the 21st Annual National Joint Podiatric Carrier Advisory Committee (CAC) & Private Insurance Advisory Committee (PIAC) Representatives Meeting. This year’s meeting will be held on November 12 in the Washington, DC, area and a virtual component was added due to the ongoing pandemic. CAC-PIAC representatives can register for the meeting at www.apma.org/CACPIAC2021

The CAC-PIAC structure consist of representatives appointed by state podiatric medical associations to assist members in resolving Medicare and private insurance-related concerns. The CAC-PIAC meeting is intended to present the most pertinent and current public and private payer information available. This meeting affords representatives the opportunity to hear firsthand the latest information so they can share it with podiatrists in their states.

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