Hybrid CAC-PIAC Meeting Happening This Week | News | APMA
Hybrid CAC-PIAC Meeting Happening This Week

November 8, 2021


The 21st Joint National Carrier Advisory Committee and Private Insurance Advisory Committee Representatives’ Meeting (CAC-PIAC) will be held this Friday, November 12, in Alexandria, VA, and online. Your CAC and PIAC representatives are your frontline defense when dealing with insurance, and this meeting offers them timely education and a chance to collaborate.

A mix of in-person and virtual attendees will learn about the latest trends in public and private insurance, including a deep dive into the recently released CY 2022 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule. Additionally, Gary Oakes, MD, and Laurence Clark, MD, both with Noridian Health Solutions, will provide insights into working with carrier medical directors. PICA President and Chief Medical Officer Ross Taubman, DPM, will discuss administrative defense coverage.

As always, the meeting will include ample time for participants to discuss current issues in their states and jurisdictions. Representatives can bring up ongoing issues, find out if others are experiencing the same problems, and brainstorm solutions. Visit www.apma.org/CACPIAC to find contact information for the CAC and PIAC representative in your state and reach out to them this week if have any concerns you would like addressed at the meeting. Keep an eye on your APMA publications for outcomes from the meeting in the coming weeks.

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