Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Task Force | Practicing DPMs | APMA
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Task Force


To explore and identify potential diversity, equity, and inclusion gaps in APMA practices, policies, and procedures that have resulted from historic inaction and silence.


To ensure diverse and inclusive perspectives within APMA staff and membership.

Example Areas of Focus 

Age, culture, disability, race, religion, sex/gender, sexual orientation, gender identity


On June 2, 2020, A Statement from APMA on Current Events was released, indicating that APMA unequivocally condemns all acts of racism and violence.

And, on June 29, 2020, APMA Announces New Efforts to Address Racism and Disparities that included a list of action items that the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Task Force will work to achieve and expand:

  • Explore recruiting methods to attract prospective students who are in a socially disadvantageous position as well as students enrolled in Historically Black Colleges and Universities
  • Provide additional educational opportunities for members on topics such as racism, implicit bias, and health-care disparities
  • Extend previously conducted research on diversity within the podiatric medical profession including among our applicants, students, residents, fellows, and established members
  • Continue to extend invitations to a diverse group of speakers at our Annual Scientific Meeting (The National)
  • Investigate opportunities to collaborate with like-minded organizations to address racism and health-care disparities.

Take some time to watch the moving Town Hall on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at the 2021 Virtual House of Delegates.


  1. Review internal APMA documents:
    1. Governance Documents
    2. APMA Employee Manual
    3. APMAPAC 
    4. APMA Educational Foundation
  2. Set measurable goals and make progress on the above action items.

Meeting Dates and Minutes

DEI TF Final Report (February 2022)

Current Members

William Long, DPM - Chair/APMA Trustee

Janet Simon, DPM - Chair, Public Health and Preventive Podiatric Medicine Committee

Kevin Jefferson, DPM - Chair, National Medical Association, Podiatric Medicine & Surgery Section

Denise Peraza-Martinez - APMSA Liaison

Kush Patel - SNPMA Liaison

Rebecca Sundling, DPM, MPH - Young Physician Member

Jondelle Jenkins, DPM - Liaison, APMA

Alton Johnson, DPM - Liaison, Public Health and Preventive Podiatric Medicine Committee

Adrienne Atkinson-Sneed, DPM - Advisor

Joaquin Balaguer, DPM - Advisor

G. Javier Cavazos, DPM - Advisor

Larry Harkless, DPM - Advisor

William Harris IV, DPM - Advisor

Pamela Hong, DPM - Advisor

Karen Langone, DPM - Advisor

Christopher Lotufo, DPM - Advisor

Kieran Mahan, DPM - Advisor

Moraith North - Advisor

Rene Settle-Robinson, DPM - Advisor

Jeffrey DeSantis, DPM - President, APMA/Ex Officio

Seth Rubenstein, DPM - Immediate Past President, APMA/Ex Officio

Staff Liaisons: James Christina, DPM; Kayla Fuller; Gail Reese, JD; Stephanie Simmons; Dyane Tower, DPM, MPH, MS; Ben Wallner

Additional Resources

The work of the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Task Force is ongoing and the membership list is ever-changing to be inclusive of many perspectives. Please email Chair Will Long, DPM, or Staff Liaison Dyane Tower, DPM, MPH, MS, if you have any questions or concerns.

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